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Young Entreprenuership Program

About the Program

We aim to build leaders of tomorrow by providing them with experiential learnings today. We encourage students to become more impactful communicators, efficient decision-makers together with being socially responsible citizens. We help students with idea validation by setting goals, mapping out a roadmap and working towards it. We also provide active mentoring sessions from seasoned professionals and industry veterans.

Who we are?

We are a community of self-starters, problem-solvers and solution-seekers.

Holistic Learning, % 90
Mentorship, % 80
Skill Development, % 85

How Can we make a Difference?

Young entrepreneurs have amazing ideas from setting up lemonade stalls to developing apps, or starting pet-friendly businesses. We believe in their visions and provide them with necessary aid in a structured way.

 Idea generation & validation
Understanding essential traits of an entrepreneur and study existing business models of successful businesses.
Conducting market research
Understanding demand-supply dynamics, conduct primary & secondary research.
Finance & Budgeting
Financial projections.
Marketing Strategies
Identify target segment & devise creative marketing strategies
Business plan & Investor pitch deck
Compile a business plan and present the pitch deck to an industry expert.