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Get affordable and customizable robotics curriculum for schools from K-12 and above. We focus on a unique learning paradigm - Design, Electronics, Software and Integration where kids are introduced to developing solution-driven prototypes to mundane problems.
Students thrive when they have access to personalized learning and tools that spark creativity. Hence, we set up Labs with modern kits that have all the right equipment they need to unleash their creativity.

"If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough"

Elon Musk

Why Choose Us?

Sequential Reasoning

The process of approaching a problem in a systematic manner. We incorporate this with our amazing learning model - Design, Electronics, Software and Integration.

Colloborative Learning

We promote engaging classroom discussions and cooperative activities that help solve problems together, cause two heads are better than one!

Fosters Curiosity

Curiosity is a state of mind which supercharges learning. Students observe the world around them and build their ideas as projects with curiosity.

Design Thinking

Children will learn key life skills like empathy and logical reasoning.The approach will be helpful in day to day tasks and also assist them to plan and focus.

Easily Customizable

The curriculum can be custom tailored for different school boards. We have concept mapping with our STEAM projects for MOE (Singapore), IGCSE, IB, ICSE, CBSE.


We are very affordable and add value to every student to enhance their 21st century skills.